bachelor's degree in optics
Iba Der Thiam University - UIDT Thies, Senegal

Why was this degree in optics created?
The WHO estimates that there are 153 million people in the world with visual impairment due to an untreated refractive error. Refraction is the measurement of the entry into the eye of light from the objects we look at. This light ends up on the retina, where images are formed. The most common refractive errors are myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia. They are usually easy to identify and correct with simple glasses.
In 2021, Senegal had only 25* certified opticians, mainly located in Dakar, leaving many of the population without attention, especially school-age children and residents in rural areas.
This is why the University of Thiès, the second city of the country, decided to create this degree that, in a few years, will help to improve this situation.
*Data provided by the University of Thiès.

Implementation of the Bachelor's degree
The degree in Optics is open to holders of the Scientific Baccalaureate or equivalent. It is a 3-year course that includes 7 practice episodes. OCULARIS participates in the review and improvement of its theoretical content, and locally teaches practical sessions for final year students. OCULARIS is planned to accompany the University of Thiès from 2023 to 2029, three editions of the degree.
Course objectives:
– Know how to execute medical prescriptions and master the entire technique of setting glasses and lenses.
– Be able to advise on visual correction and ergonomics equipment (posture, workplace, fall prevention…)
– Know how to manage an optical structure efficiently, responsibly and ethically.
– Train future professionals in the discipline.
– Give prevention advice of visual accidents (lighting, radiation, eclipses, reflections), inform about the eye protection necessary in the workplace or when driving.
Creation and adaptation of teaching content(2023-2024)
Review and improvement of theoretical contents.
Creation of remote teaching tools: elearning platform, audiovisual capsules, presentations, recommended bibliography…
- Training of the bachelor’s teachers together with their students, with personalized accompaniment of OCULARIS in the final practical sessions during 3 editions.
- The 7 internships will be carried out in diverse environments such as clinical, industrial, private and public, as well as in the University’s optics center, always attending real patients to prepare students to manage different situations. Last year features an internship abroad.
FINAL HANDOVER (2027-2028)
Total transfer of methodology and content to local teachers.
Evaluation support of the teaching team until their complete autonomy (the exact final handover date will depend on the needs of the local teachers).
According to United Nations data (2021), Senegal is among the poorest countries in the world. Its birth rate of more than 4 children per woman reflects both the high level of gender inequality and the great need for paediatric care professionals.