Want to give as a hand?
so that one day it will no longer be necessary
To support OCULARIS is to help the countries where we intervene to achieve self-sufficiency.
The effects of your contribution will go beyond eye health: children with vision loss will be able to continue their schooling, families will no longer be affected by the blindness of one of their members, and people in rural areas will be able to access the eye care they need.

I'm a committed person
Donating to OCULARIS goes beyond one-off aid: it creates a virtuous circle that changes the reality of a country.
I'm a company with strong values
For you and your clients, the values you carry matter just as much as the products and services you offer. .
I'm a visual health professional
:Are you an optometrist or ophthalmologist willing to put your expertise to work for a good cause? Contact us.