What do we do?
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
We train eye care professionals in low-income countries. Our priority is to empower their university teachers so that in the long term they can teach future generations of ophthalmologists, optometrists and eye care professionals of their country, without relying on external support such as ours.
We do this by creating official university courses and diplomas in medical or optometry schools in the countries where we cooperate.

Our training programmes are:
20% Theoretical: Via eSalud, an eLearning platform adapted to each faculty to enable distance learning.
80% Practical: Sessions given locally in the operating theatre, consulting rooms and laboratory of their university hospital centres.
We currently work mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa, particulartly in Mozambique and Senegal. The impact of our action is broader, as students from neighbouring countries (Mali, Chad, Mauritania…) always attend our training courses.

We always work in line with the international goals set by global institutions such as the United Nations, the WHO and its International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB). We also follow the guidelines set by the National Visual Health Programmes of the Ministry of Health of each country where we cooperate.